About Me

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I am a UK based amateur photographer with a growing following (according to WordPress stats anyway). Favouring landscape photography of all varieties; rural, coastal and urban, and in mono, colour and selective colour formats. I am also a Digital imaging novice trying to learn the complexities of Photoshop, NIK software and Topaz Labs.

It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera….they are made with the eye, heart and head” – Henri Cartier-Bresson.  In my case Nikon, Photoshop and NIK Software also play a part!

48 Responses to “About Me”

  1. coast72

    Absolutely brilliant blog with stunning images.
    Could have continued pressing the LIKE on each and everyone o them ! 🙂

  2. poppytump

    Fantastic images ! Making the Ordinary … Extraordinary 🙂
    Coming back for more …..

  3. allthingsboys

    Hi Adrian. I wanted to run something by you with regards to Legion of Doorwhores. Robin Coyle made a suggestion when she and I were discussing my propensity to take pictures through windows from the inside out. She suggested I contact one of you all and see what you thought about linking with you on a window theme with your door thing. I was thinking of Wednesdays Windows of the World (mostly because I just came back from Paris and I took so many pictures of gardens through Palace windows 🙂 ) What are your thoughts on this?

    • adrianpym

      Hi Arnel

      I like the idea, a lot.

      I also have several images taken through windows and even thought about a window themed blog myself (but did nothing about it).

      Happy to help with submissions etc and would be pleased to provide a link page on the LDW blog.

      Let me know how I can help.


    • adrianpym

      Thank you for this its really appreciated. I am overhauling my site at the moment and have taken down the awards page where I usually post these and credit the nominator.

      Thanks again

  4. MichelleMarie Antell

    I dont know how you feel about awards and such…..http://wp.me/p3mUBo-16V
    Adrain like my doors photos, which I thought was very interesting that someone likes door like I do. He is a photographer and has a lovely blog displaying his life from the lens of his camera. His photos are very inspiring and his love of b/w is much enjoyed. Thank you Adrain for being one of the first people on WP to like my photos!

    • adrianpym

      Thank you for the nomination and I see from the list that I am surrounded by very good bloggers/photographers so thank you again. Although I have not seen this award before, in the 18 months I have been blogging I have seen many many awards and whilst every nomination is gratefully received I have stopped accepting/publicising them on my blog. I hope you don’t mind, but I will not be following the rules and nominating other bloggers.

      I am enjoying your photography and will continue to follow your blog.

      Adrian (a Nikonian)

  5. smackedpentax

    Hi Adrian
    This is the first time I have had chance to view your portfolio properly and I must say I am very impressed with your work. You have a style which is unique and which I really like – I especially favour ‘The Tunnel’ and ‘Sunday stroll ‘ – something very slightly menacing about it but brilliant nonetheless. Glad I started to follow your blog, and I look forward to seeing more of your work!

    Cheers James

    • adrianpym

      James much appreciated. However, I am intrigued which image do you find menacing? If its Tunnel I can probably see that but not Sunday stroll? That portfolio has been up for a long time so I should really update it, but when I get such favourable comments as yours I think it can stay up for a while longer.

      Thanks again James.

      • smackedpentax

        Hi Adrian – it is ‘Sunday Stroll’ which I find (very slightly) menacing…just something about it – maybe it is the darkness, maybe the people in it in the distance – maybe it is following some people into the dark woods, I just don’t know. But for some reason I get a bit uncomfortable when I see it (really hope you aren’t offended) it is a superb photo and any photo which conveys feelings in the viewer must be good!

        • adrianpym

          Hi James,
          Not at all offended, and as you say if a photo conveys feelings in the viewer it must be good. Perhaps that is why I prefer mono because it seems to add more feeling to an image.


    • adrianpym

      Mick, thank you. Not sure I deserve the term “expert” I am still learning, and there is always something new to learn, but I am really pleased you like my work. Thanks for taking the time to comment.


  6. redstuffdan

    Hi Adrian

    Looks like we’re on similar journeys of photographic discovery – but using different modes of transport. I take most of my stuff with iPhone and have just started taking more with a little Canon digital camera. I use Snapseed, Photoscape and a couple of other editing tools but am always on the lookout for something new. Your pictures are stunning and l will be following your blog with avid interest.



    • adrianpym

      Dan, Thank you for your kind comments. Not sure how I found your blog, but when I did, I found it thoroughly refreshing.

      I occasionally use my iPhone and Snapseed is a favourite. I am now trying out Topaz filters for Ps and seeing what they can do, having used Nik for the last two years.

      Looking forward to seeing more of your images.


  7. T Ibara Photo

    I came across your site via EarlHarrisPhotography. As others have already commented, you have amazing images!
    Greetings from Japan.


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